The First Day of School

It’s that time of year again that I look forward to with both excitement and a bit of sadness– the first day of school!  While I do look forward to my house staying cleaner, having more peace and quiet during the day, and the fact that fall is FINALLY on the horizon, I also dread going back to our hectic school year schedule and giving up the fun and more carefree life that we enjoy during the summer.  Plus, there’s that whole thing about the kids being another year older and another year closer to moving out of the house (cue more excitement and heartache).  But for now, they’re all living at home, all busy with school and their extracurriculars, and all excited to start a new school year!

Christopher, 15, Sophomore

Christopher is starting his sophomore year with a schedule full of honors classes (including AP US History- my all-time fave class in HS) as well as digital media and public speaking thrown in for fun!  He’s still working at Chick-fil-A where he loves being the cow, active in community service, and looking forward to playing tennis again in the spring.

Nicholas, 13, 8th Grade

Nicholas is ready for 8th grade and excited that he’s taking high school math this year!  He’s a part of IMPTech again this year, and along with the rest of the class, is responsible for putting together the school news.  He’s still playing the trombone and looking forward to playing it through high school (and maybe after!).

Benjamin, 11, 6th Grade

Benjamin is starting 6th grade- his last year before Middle School!- and is looking forward to learning as much math as possible because it’s so much fun!  He’s planning to play basketball this winter and spring and is keeping busy running to stay basketball-ready!

Alexandra, 10, 5th Grade

Lexie is excited for 5th grade this year, especially since she got her first choice teacher!  She keeps busy with Girls on the Run and her club soccer team- really, most of our afterschool craziness is from her soccer schedule!

Miss Ellie will be starting Pre-K next week and then all FIVE of the kids will be in school (at least for the morning).  I’m not sure what I’m going to do with all of my newfound time and freedom but for the next few days, I’m enjoying having some one-on-one time with my littlest sweetheart!!

Sharing is caring!!


  1. August 28, 2018 / 11:04 am

    Great photos! I love the wreath on your door. Hope your kids all have a wonderful year!

    • Jennifer
      August 28, 2018 / 1:53 pm

      Thanks so much! I hope your kiddos do as well– how’s the combo of public school and homeschooling going?

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